Since a major reason for this blog is to help us remember, years from now, our life when you were a little one, I thought I would start writing down some of my favorite memories.
- When I go get you from your nap, or nighttime, you sit up in the crib, smile at me and grab Thumper with one hand and Kissy Bear with the other hand. You then look at me expectantly, waiting to be picked up. You are so warm and delicious after waking up...I could just eat you up!
- You have a wonderful zest for life and love trying new things, meeting new people, tasting new foods, etc. You went fishing for the first time with Uncle Will and had no fear touching the bass. You also love to go to the library and walk from person to person saying 'hi'. If someone ignores you, you stand there and stare them down, until they acknowledge you. Its precious. You are so determined, but you never get discouraged.
- You are incredibly, incredibly curious and fearless. You explore everything, study everything, get into everything. You are not a little girl that is going to sit quietly and play dolls. You walk/run/crawl/tumble/dive headfirst into whatever you are interested in, whether its a pool, a friend, a fun new windowsill to climb. You require CONSTANT supervision. I will walk out of a room for ten seconds and come back in to find that you have crawled your way up several pieces of furniture, are now sitting on a windowsill four feet above the ground and are about to jump off. I get there just in time to watch you pick your self up off the floor from your jump and keep playing. I rarely get anything else done during the day..., and I love it that way!
- You love to go grocery shopping. You have so much fun looking at all the different fruits, vegetables, cheese. And you get so excited when I put bananas and yogurt in the cart! HA, poor little thing, you have no idea I have tricked you into loving healthy foods :).
- At all of our 'regular' restaurants, you have your favorite waiters who fight to wait on us. They adore you. At El Meson, Armando calls you his girlfriend and you flirt with him the whole meal.
- For all of the energy you have, I am always amazed that when we carry you through church, or put you in your carseat for errands, or go out to eat for lunch, you seems to know that its time to switch to laid-back mode (atleast most of the time). It is really remarkable how you have so much energy, joy and zest, but are also so laid-back and never sweat the small stuff (or the big stuff). You are always so happy.
- You love to look at pictures of yourself... definitely a Goodwin trait!
- Your favorite books right now are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear...What Do You See?" & "Giraffes Can't Dance". You love all animals (definitely got that from your dad), but by far your favorite ones are giraffes and cats. Whenever you see a picture of one, they always get a kiss. You have even started saying Mike's name!
- You also have started saying "Amen" after our prayer times, so cute. And you have now started saying "Mila"!
- You love to go visit Mila, Pops, Aunt Beks, Mike and Samba. You never run out of people to play with you and love on you!
You are so much fun; I hate being away from you, even for an hour (so I rarely am!). I love you so much!